Termékek crewel hímzés (44)

Koriander Magok

Koriander Magok

Coriander seeds are a globally cherished spice, second only to pepper in terms of usage. These seeds are grown and processed worldwide, with Egypt being a major producer. Coriander seeds offer a warm, husky, and aromatic flavor that is most commonly used in ground form. They are a cornerstone of Indian cuisine, adding a touch of sweetness and spiciness to dishes. In Indonesian cooking, coriander is used in tempeh recipes and bean dishes. The seeds elevate cabbage, corn, chutneys, and relishes, and are also used for vegetable pickling, making them a versatile addition to any kitchen.
Szárított Chili

Szárított Chili

Product Type: Single Herbs & Spices Style: Dried Drying Process: AD Processing Type: Raw Shape: Elongated Color: red Weight (kg): 0.1 Shelf Life: 1 year Type: Chilli & Pepper
Mediterrán keverék

Mediterrán keverék

Eggplant, olive, tomato and peppers constitute this mix for giving typicity to your sauces, meat stuffings, cooked fish, terrines and other culinary preparations. Colin-Ingredients Ref:60159402 Main ingredients:Tomatos, peppers, olive, egg plant Inclusions list:Tomatos, peppers, olive, egg plant Heat treatment:No Indicative dosage:2 to 5 % Colour and visual:White, red, green and black Packing:Sac de 20kg Palletizing:Palette europe de 500kg




Pastries and cookie pieces: - various sizes: drops, pieces, granulate, cutout cookies, crunch - various arts: light, dark or bittersweet, amarettini, caramel or spekulatius, coated etc. - fruit, choco, nut infused - sugar free / Halal / Kosher / allergen free etc. - Customer specific formulations - Savoury: with pepper, onion, herbs.
Sonkás Sajtos Bokit

Sonkás Sajtos Bokit

Laitue, tomate,oignons; jambon de dinde, fromage


Натурално бяло/черно сусамово семе, Олющено сусамово семе - Ние доставяме сусамови семена с най-добро качество Бял натурален сусам Натурален черен сусам Олющено сусамово семе
Eperfa levelek

Eperfa levelek

gli alberi di gelso producono bacche aromatiche apprezzate in tutto il mondo e spesso considerate supercibi a causa della concentrazione di vitamine, minerali e potenti composti vegetali. Tuttavia, il frutto non è l'unica parte dell'albero di gelso che si dice offra benefici per la salute. Per secoli, le sue foglie sono state utilizzate nella medicina tradizionale come trattamento naturale per una varietà di condizioni. Si dice che abbia effetti positivi sui livelli di zucchero nel sangue e di insulinaInoltre, si ritiene che riduca i rischi di aterosclerosi diminuendo l'ossidazione del colesterolo nei vasi sanguigni. Inoltre, si dice che aiuti a prevenire il diabete limitando l'ingresso in circolo dell'elevata quantità di monosaccaridi.Usi: le foglie di gelso sono utilizzate principalmente per il tè. Versa 1 cucchiaino per tazza (250 ml) di acqua bollente e copri per 3-5 minuti a seconda dei tuoi gusti. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso
Fehér szárított eperfa

Fehér szárított eperfa

In the box per 5,8,10 KG


Tönkölybúza - Gabonafélék

Tönkölybúza - Gabonafélék

It is a grain crop. Ripening, resistant to many fungal diseases, unpretentious. The ear is closed from dirt, does not lose the accumulated moisture, is protected from pests. It contains a lot of protein, few calories and most amino acids, which are irreplaceable. It contains other vitamins and various macro and micronutrients. Many different dishes can be cooked from it bread, porridge, soups, crackers, sauces and creams, side dishes for fish, meat, and desserts.
Takarmány Tyúkoknak

Takarmány Tyúkoknak

Extruded poultry feed for meat direction from 50 to slaughter (feeding rate: 200 g/head per day) COMPOSITION: Wheat, Full fat soy, Meat and bone meal, Fish meal, Sunflower oil VITAMIN complex: A, D3, E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 ‚B6, BC, B12, H Mineral complex: iron, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium Granular, extruded feed, which is the final stage in the process of feeding young broilers and other meat breeds from 50 days to slaughter. It is a complete feed, and can also be used as part of a mash, provided that there is no heat treatment.


Platten aus Vermiculit in unterschiedlicher Größe und Stärke Vermiculit ist ein natürlich vorkommendes Schichtsilikat. Es dient zur Wärmedämmung, Schalldämmung und dem Brandschutz. Es wird aber auch in der Medizin und z.B. als Katzenstreu eingesetzt.
Fehér Marruche

Fehér Marruche

Le marrube blanc est une plante à fleurs. C'est censé être un remède traditionnel contre la bronchite, la grippe et le rhume. Les parties qui poussent au-dessus du sol sont utilisées pour fabriquer des médicaments. Dans la fabrication, les extraits de marrube blanc sont utilisés comme aromatisants dans les aliments et les boissons, et comme expectorants dans les sirops et les comprimés contre la toux. Les expectorants sont des ingrédients qui facilitent l'expectoration des mucosités.: Il est le plus souvent utilisé pour faire du thé, de la décoction et de l'infusion. Pour la préparation du thé, mettre 2 cuillères à café par tasse (250 ml) d'eau bouillante et couvrir pendant 2-3 minutes selon les préférences gustatives. Conditionnement:125g, 250g et vrac